Ep. #87 – What If You Made A Black Hole In Your Basement? – CERN, Large Hadron Collider


Conspiracies abound from the past decade, swirling around a laboratory in Geneva that houses the world’s largest machine – the Large Hadron Collider, brought to all of us by the folks at CERN. Are they summoning demons? Are they opening portals to another dimension? Are they creating black holes in their basement, and none of us can know? Are they just doing things so smart that we all get scared?

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Music: Frequency by Toki Wright & Big Cats

The Guardian – What Is The Higgs Boson?

PHD Comics – The Higgs Boson Explained

Hot Topics: Bigfoot’s Ballpit and/or Ballsack, Higgs Boson, Portals to a Hell Dimension, “NO! …… Sorry…”, and a whole lot more, this week on The What If? Podcast.

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